In these testing times it is most important to keep good health and boost immunity. Following the norms imposed by the Government is the best option. But, a person should take care of him/herself and the family to boost immunity and health conditions. The food we consume is the main way to keep healthy along with exercise and mental wellness.
We may eat greens assuming they are beneficial for health but just as important is how these greens are cooked and with which medium
After much research it has been determined that rice bran oil is the best cooking medium.
What is Rice Bran oil? Oil processed from the husk or the outer layer of the rice grain. This husk contains the maximum amount of nutrition found in rice. The oil is pressed with minimum processing procedures to obtain maximum benefits.
Compounds in rice bran oil are tocotrienols, oryzanol and plant sterols which have numerous health benefits like the ability to lower cholesterol and protect the heart, help weight loss, boost the immune system, help prevent cancer, improve skin health, relieve menopausal symptoms, increase cognitive strength and reduce allergic reactions.
Overall good health means good immunity.
Benefits of foods cooked in rice bran oil:
Healthy for the Heart healthy –. Oryzanol is an antioxidant which eliminates cholesterol and reduces cholesterol absorption reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Anti-diabetic properties – rice bran oil helps lower blood sugar level because it is the most nutritious oil and is a responsible lowering blood sugar levels and diabetes.
Protects liver– oryzanol protects the liver against the alcohol damage and the development of fatty liver.
Aids in weight loss –daily consumption of rice bran oil helps in lowering cholesterol, and helps in cutting down the extra weight, boosts the metabolism and contributes to a healthy weight loss.
Good for skin & hair – Oryzanol has o many benefits for hair and skin. Directly applying or consuming rice bran oil helps tighten the skin and boosts skins health, reduces dark spots, treats eczema, fights acne, delays the wrinkle formation, and aging. The omega fatty acid in rice bran oil helps hair growth and nourishes the hair making it soft and healthy and also helps prevent premature greying.
These healthy benefits are also immunity boosters
Rice bran oil is versatile and easy to include in the diet. Its high smoke point and mild flavor make it ideal for stir-fries, soups, dressings, and vinaigrettes and absorption of oil stays at the minimum
Freedom physically refined rice bran oil is the best to boost immunity because it contains the right balance of fatty acids and it helps increase the good cholesterol (HDL) and lower the bad cholesterol (LDL and triglycerides). It is stable for high heat cooking causing less chronic inflammation and also helps fight the metabolic syndrome