Mustard oil has been in use in the Indian kitchen for ages. The golden hued oil with a pungent flavour lends its unique taste to every dish that is cooked in it. The main ingredient of many an Indian delicacy, like the ever popular mango pickle, is mustard oil. But have you ever wondered why this particular oil is widely used in Indian cuisine? This is because mustard oil has an array of health benefits.
Age old Indian practices are always beneficial to health and this has been proven time and again. The popularity of mustard oil has increased not only because of its vibrant flavour but also due to its manifold health benefits which mothers and grandmothers have sworn by. The oil is rich in MUFA (Monosaturated Fatty Acids) which keeps the heart healthy and reduces the risk of heart attacks. But apart from this it also treats a number of common ailments. If you’re suffering from digestive issues, try cooking your food in mustard oil. It effectively aids in digestion. Mustard oil also improves brain function. You can even massage it into your scalp. It stimulates hair growth and also prevents premature greying. Suffering from sore joints? Apply warm mustard oil to the affected area. The heat from the oil increases blood flow and soothes the affected area. It’s especially beneficial for people suffering from arthritis. Applying the oil externally has other benefits too. If you are suffering from skin problems like rashes or infections then mustard oil can be of great help. It’s anti-septic properties can be helpful in treating a variety of skin problems.
Mustard oil is rich in mega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, the two types of polyunsaturated fat. These are healthy fats which are good for overall health. Because of the presence of these nourishing fats, mustard oil has strengthening and moisturising properties. Mustard oil when massaged into the skin can help heal cracked heals, toughen brittle nails and even soothe chapped lips. An age old remedy for teeth whitening is mustard oil. The strong flavour of the oil also opens up the sinuses and provides relief from cough and cold. Good health is a culmination of good daily habits. Sometimes simple changes in our routine can make a great deal of difference. Changing your cooking oil is a small step towards better health and one which can make a great deal of difference. The plus is that it makes food more flavourful. Health and taste all packed into one, is a deal that you seldom get otherwise. So, don’t wait anymore. Switch to mustard oil and enjoy the benefits of great health.