Categories: Sunflower Oil


We all know, the good’ol sunflower oil is well known for its high smoke point, which makes it ideal for frying food – but that’s not all; there are plenty of unknown benefits of sunflower oil that you may have not known. You will be surprised to know that light, golden and healthy sunflower oil contains more vitamin E and omega 6 fats than other vegetable oils in the market.

That is not all, as they say you should incorporate different oils regularly to get a good balance of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats in the right proportion? The good news is that, sunflower oil has just the right balance of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats which makes it one of the healthiest oils for daily consumption.

Here are some more unknown benefits of sunflower oil :

Source of good heart health

Here’s the good news, sunflower oil contains more than 80% of monounsaturated fats that are great for your heart.The impressive quantity of fatty acid content helps in maintaining a balance in your system. Also, sunflower oil is free of saturated fats that help in controlling the cholesterol levels in your body.

Natural skin beautifier

Sunflower oil is rich in antioxidants – vitamin A and E which helps in building on skin health. Daily consumption helps in regenerating damaged skin cells and getting rid of bacteria that causes acne. One unknown skin benefit of sunflower oil is that you can directly apply it on your skin without it blocking your pores as it is so light, it gets absorbed easily into your skin and is also non-greasy.

Energy booster

Unsaturated fats energize you while saturated fats make you lethargic. Foods cooked in sunflower oil helps discharge of glycogen into the bloodstream from the liver and this provides extra boost of instant energy.

Beautifies hair

You can directly apply sunflower oil to your hair, as it acts as a conditioner to help soften the dry, frizzy hair. It has a light texture and is rich in gamma alpha linoleic acid which helps prevent hair loss.

Strengthens immune system

Sunflower oil helps in strengthening the cell membrane barriers which make it harder for bacteria and viruses to enter the human body. It is also rich in antioxidants amd protein that helps in repairing and building tissues and various enzymes required for healthy functioning.

Better digestion

You may have not known but your cooking oil could possibly be the reason behind your digestive problems.  Healthy cooking oil is one that is rich in MUFAs, light in viscosity, easy to digest and easily absorbed in your digestive tract. Sunflower oil also has mild laxative properties that help prevent constipation. Freedom Refined Sunflower Oil has many more surprising health benefits and facts that will take you by surprise! Choose from the best for your family’s health and it is known to be one of the best cooking oil for health in the market today.
